How many Subject Alternative Names (SAN) do the Active Directory Certificate Services support?

Like any software Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services are also subject to certain limitsimposed by their design.

What is not so obvious is the question of how many Subject Alternative Name (SAN) can be issued with the Microsoft certification body.

Das IETF RFC 5280 beschreibt die Struktur für Subject Alternative Names wie folgt:

SubjectAltName ::= GeneralNames
Continue reading „Wie viele Alternative Antragstellernamen (engl. Subject Alternative Name, SAN) unterstützen die Active Directory Certificate Services?“

Manual assignment of a Remote Desktop certificate fails with error message "Invalid parameter".

Assume the following scenario:

Set-WMIInstance : Invalid parameter
 At line:1 char:1
 Set-WMIInstance -path $TerminalServicesConfig.__path -argument @{SSLC ...
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Set-WmiInstance], ManagementException
 FullyQualifiedErrorId : SetWMIManagementException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetWmiInstance 
Continue reading „Die manuelle Zuweisung eines Remotedesktop-Zertifikats schlägt fehl mit Fehlermeldung „Invalid parameter““

Programmatically trigger the autoenrollment process for the logged-in user

Assume the following scenario:

  • You write a script or an application that should trigger the autoenrollment process for the currently logged in user.
  • You will find out that the scheduled task cannot be executed.
  • The error message reads:
The user account does not have permissions to run this task.
Continue reading „Den Autoenrollment Prozess für den angemeldeten Benutzer programmatisch auslösen“

Troubleshooting for automatic certificate request (autoenrollment) via RPC/DCOM (MS-WCCE)

Assume the following scenario:

  • A certificate template is configured for automatic certificate request (autoenrollment).
  • The certificate template is published on a certification authority (Enterprise Certification Authority) integrated into Active Directory.
  • However, the users or computers configured for automatic Certificate Enrollment do not apply for certificates as intended.

The following is a troubleshooting guide.

Continue reading „Fehlersuche für die automatische Zertifikatbeantragung (Autoenrollment) via RPC/DCOM (MS-WCCE)“

The key algorithm of certificate requests is not checked by the certification authority's policy module

Assume the following scenario:

  • A certificate template is configured to use elliptic curve based keys (e.g. ECDSA_P256).
  • As a result, a minimum key length of 256 bits is configured.
  • Nevertheless, certificate requests that use other ECC curves or RSA-based keys are also signed.
Continue reading „Der Schlüsselalgorithmus von Zertifikatanforderungen wird vom Policy Modul der Zertifizierungsstelle nicht überprüft“

Installation of a certification authority fails with error message "The Certification Authority is already installed."

Assume the following scenario:

  • A certification authority is installed.
  • An error occurred during installation that required a retry.
  • The certification authority role was uninstalled and then the role configuration was tried again.
  • The role configuration fails with the following error message:
The Certification Authority is already installed. If you are trying to reinstall the role service, you must first uninstall it.
Continue reading „Die Installation einer Zertifizierungsstelle schlägt fehl mit Fehlermeldung „The Certification Authority is already installed.““

The online responder (OCSP) reports "The object identifier does not represent a valid object. 0x800710d8 (WIN32: 4312 ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)".

Assume the following scenario:

  • An online responder (OCSP) is configured on the network.
  • OCSP is enabled for a certificate authority and a revocation configuration is set up.
  • The management console for the online responder displays the following status for the revocation configuration:
Type: Microsoft CRL-based revocation status provider.
The revocation provider failed with the current configuration. The object identifier does not represent a valid object. 0x800710d8 (WIN32: 4312 ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND), 0x800710d8
Continue reading „Der Onlineresponder (OCSP) meldet „The object identifier does not represent a valid object. 0x800710d8 (WIN32: 4312 ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND)““

Configure a certificate template to use the Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider to enable private key protection through a Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

Since Windows 8, it has been possible for private keys for certificates to be protected with a - if available - Trusted Platform Module (TPM). This ensures that the key is truly non-exportable.

The process for setting up a certificate template that uses a Trusted Platform module is described below.

Continue reading „Konfigurieren einer Zertifikatvorlage für die Verwendung des Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider, um Schutz des privaten Schlüssels durch ein Trusted Platform Module (TPM) zu ermöglichen“

Signing certificates bypassing the certification authority

Time and again in discussions about the security of a certification authority, it comes up that abuse of the certification authority could be contained by its security settings.

However, the fact that the integrity of a certification authority is directly tied to its key material and can therefore also be compromised by it is not obvious at first glance.

one must think of the certification authority software as a kind of management around the key material. For example, the software provides a Online interface for Certificate Enrollment takes care of the authentication of the enrollees, the automated execution of signature operations (issuing certificates and Brevocation lists) and their logging (Certification Authority Database, Audit log, Event log).

However, signature operations require nothing more than the private key of the certification authority. The following example shows how an attacker, given access to the certification authority's private key, can generate and issue certificates without the certification authority software and its security mechanisms being aware of this.

With such a certificate, it would even be possible in the worst case, take over the Active Directory forest undetected.

Continue reading „Signieren von Zertifikaten unter Umgehung der Zertifizierungsstelle“

Regular password change when configuring the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) with a static password.

Suppose you are running a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES), which relies on is configured to use a static password. In this case, unlike the default configuration, the password for the Requesting certificates via NDES clients never.

However, one may aim for an intermediate way, for example, a daily change of the password. The following describes a way to automate the change of the password.

Continue reading „Regelmäßige Passwortänderung bei Konfiguration des Registrierungsdienstes für Netzwerkgeräte (NDES) mit einem statischen Passwort“

Certificate Enrollment for Windows Systems via the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) with Windows PowerShell

If you want to equip Windows systems with certificates that do not have the option of communicating directly with an Active Directory-integrated certification authority, or that are not even in the same Active Directory forest, the only option in most cases is to install certificates manually.

Since Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2, however, there is an integrated client for the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) on board. On the server side, SCEP is implemented via the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) implemented in the Microsoft PKI since Windows Server 2003.

A particularly interesting feature of SCEP is that the protocol allows a certificate to be renewed by specifying an existing one. So what could be more obvious than to use this interface? What is still missing is a corresponding automation via Windows PowerShell.

Continue reading „Zertifikatbeantragung für Windows-Systeme über den Registrierungsdienst für Netzwerkgeräte (NDES) mit Windows PowerShell“

Installation of a certificate authority integrated into Active Directory using Windows PowerShell fails with error message "A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values. 0x80072082 (WIN32: 8322 ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINT)".

Assume the following scenario:

  • A certification authority (Enterprise CA) integrated into Active Directory is installed using Windows PowerShell (Install-AdcsCertificationAuthority).
  • The role configuration fails with the following error message:
Install-AdcsCertificationAuthority : Active Directory Certificate Services setup failed with the following error: A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values. 0x80072082 (WIN32: 8322 ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINT)
Continue reading „Die Installation einer ins Active Directory integrierten Zertifizierungsstelle mittels Windows PowerShell schlägt fehl mit Fehlermeldung „A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values. 0x80072082 (WIN32: 8322 ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINT)““

Requesting certificates via Certificate Enrollment Web Services using Windows PowerShell fails with error message "Access was denied by the remote endpoint. 0x803d0005 (-2143485947 WS_E_ENDPOINT_ACCESS_DENIED)".

Assume the following scenario:

  • An attempt is made to request a certificate via Windows PowerShell using Certificate Enrollment Web Services.
  • The request fails with the following error message:
Get-Certificate : CX509EnrollmentPolicyWebService::LoadPolicy: Access was denied by the remote endpoint. 0x803d0005 (-2143485947 WS_E_ENDPOINT_ACCESS_DENIED)
Continue reading „Die Beantragung eines Zertifikats über die Zertifikatregistrierungs-Webdienste mittels Windows PowerShell schlägt fehlt mit Fehlermeldung „Access was denied by the remote endpoint. 0x803d0005 (-2143485947 WS_E_ENDPOINT_ACCESS_DENIED)““

Requesting certificates via Certificate Enrollment Web Services using Windows PowerShell fails with error message "Cannot find object or property. 0x80092004 (-2146885628 CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND)"

Assume the following scenario:

  • An attempt is made to request a certificate via Windows PowerShell using Certificate Enrollment Web Services. The name of the certificate template is included with the -Template argument.
  • The request fails with the following error message:
Get-Certificate : CertEnroll::CX509CertificateTemplates::get_ItemByName: Cannot find object or property. 0x80092004
(-2146885628 CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND)
Continue reading „Die Beantragung eines Zertifikats über die Zertifikatregistrierungs-Webdienste mittels Windows PowerShell schlägt fehlt mit Fehlermeldung „Cannot find object or property. 0x80092004 (-2146885628 CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND)““