Requesting certificates via the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (CEP) fails with error message "A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted."

Assume the following scenario:

  • You try to request a certificate via a Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (CEP) from an Active Directory-integrated certification authority (Enterprise Certification Authority).
  • To do this, use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), either for the logged-in user (certmgr.msc) or for the computer (certlm.msc).
  • However, the list of available certificate templates within the MMC is completely empty.
  • In the list of available certificate templates within the MMC, all certificate templates are displayed. At all desired certificate templates it is written:
Cannot find Object or property.
A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted. 
Continue reading „Die Beantragung eines Zertifikats über den Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (CEP) schlägt fehl mit Fehlermeldung „A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted.““

Installing a Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (CEP)

The following describes how to install the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (CEP).

Continue reading „Installation eines Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service (CEP)“

Basics of manual and automatic certificate requests via Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Remote Procedure Call / Distributed Common Object Model (RPC/DCOM) with the MS-WCCE protocol

The following describes the process that runs in the background when certificates are requested manually or automatically in order to achieve the highest possible level of automation.

Continue reading „Grundlagen manuelle und automatische Zertifikatbeantragung über Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) und Remote Procedure Call / Distributed Common Object Model (RPC/DCOM) mit dem MS-WCCE Protokoll“

Renew the Registration Authority (RA) certificates for the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES).

Once NDES has been in operation for some time (typically two years), one is faced with the challenge of renewing the Registration Authority (RA) certificates. Unfortunately, this process is not necessarily solved intuitively and is therefore described in more detail in this article.

Continue reading „Die Registration Authority (RA) Zertifikate für den Registrierungsdienst für Netzwerkgeräte (NDES) erneuern“

Generating a RFC 2818 compliant certificate request for SSL certificates

Google is a major player with the Chromium project and products based on it such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge have moved to implement the RFC 2818 and to no longer trust certificates that no longer fulfill the RFC.

For us, the following sentence is of great explosiveness:

If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead
Continue reading „Erzeugen einer RFC 2818 konformen Zertifikatanforderung für SSL Zertifikate“

Installing the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) without Enterprise Administrator permissions

Assume the following scenario:

  • One installs a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) server.
  • The role configuration fails with the following error message:
Insufficient access rights to perform this operation. 0x80072098 (WIN32: 8344 ERROR_DS_INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS

Typically, the NDES roll configuration requires, that the installing user is a member of the Enterprise Admins group. However, this is not technically necessary and contradicts Microsoft's security hardening recommendations, since NDES is not (necessarily) a system that is assigned to the highest security layer (Tier-0).

Below is a way to configure the NDES role even without the required permissions.

Continue reading „Den Registrierungsdienst für Netzwerkgeräte (NDES) ohne Enterprise Administrator Berechtigungen installieren“

Using custom Registration Authority (RA) certificate templates for the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES).

The Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) uses two certificate templates for its internal function to make it act as a Registration Authority (RA). These are published during role configuration of the NDES service on the configured certificate authority and certificates are requested:

  • CEP Encryption
  • Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline Request)

These certificate templates are standard templates from the Windows 2000 world (version 1 templates), i.e. they cannot be edited. In addition, the Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline Request) template is marked as a user template, i.e. during NDES role configuration the certificate is requested in the context of the installing user and then imported into the machine store. At the latest when the certificates are to be renewed after two years, things get complicated here.

It is therefore a good idea to use your own certificate templates for NDES. These can be adapted in terms of their key length, for example. The use of hardware security modules (HSM) is also possible in this way. Even automatic renewal can be configured.

Continue reading „Eigene Registration Authority (RA) Zertifikatvorlagen für den Registrierungsdienst für Netzwerkgeräte (NDES) verwenden“

Requesting a certificate fails with the error message "A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted."

Assume the following scenario:

  • You try to apply for a certificate from an Active Directory-integrated certification authority (Enterprise Certification Authority).
  • To do this, use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), either for the logged-in user (certmgr.msc) or for the computer (certlm.msc).
  • However, the desired certificate template is not displayed for selection, even though it has been correctly published on the certification authority.
  • The logged-in user (or computer) also has the necessary permissions to request certificates from the certificate template in question (enroll).
  • In the list of available certificate templates within the MMC, all certificate templates are displayed. At the desired certificate template is written:
A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted.
Continue reading „Die Beantragung eines Zertifikats schlägt fehl mit der Fehlermeldung „A valid certification authority (CA) configured to issue certificates based on this template cannot be located, or the CA does not support this operation, or the CA is not trusted.““