Sending S/MIME encrypted messages with Outlook for iOS is not possible: "There's a problem with one of your S/MIME encryption certificates."

Assume the following scenario:

There's a problem with one of your S/MIME encryption certificates. Contact your IT help desk for more info.
There is a problem with one of your S/MIME encryption certificates. Contact your IT help desk for more information.
Continue reading „Das Senden von S/MIME verschlüsselten Nachrichten mit Outlook for iOS ist nicht möglich: „There’s a problem with one of your S/MIME encryption certificates.““

Logon error with Windows Hello for Business: "Contact the system administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate could not be verified."

Assume the following scenario:

  • The company is using Windows Hello for Business.
  • Users receive the following error message when logging in to the client:
Sign-in failed. Contact your system administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate could not be validated. Additional information may be available in the system event log.
Continue reading „Anmeldefehler mit Windows Hello for Business: „Wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator, und teilen Sie ihm mit, dass das KDC-Zertifikat nicht überprüft werden konnte.““

Details of the event with ID 74 of the source Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority

Event Source:Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority
Event ID:74 (0x4A)
Event log:Application
Event type:Error
Event text (English):Active Directory Certificate Services could not publish a Base CRL for key %1 to the following location on server %4: %2. %3.%5%6
Event text (German):Failed to publish a base certificate revocation list for key %1 at the following location on server "%4": %2. %3.%5%6
Continue reading „Details zum Ereignis mit ID 74 der Quelle Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority“

Details of the event with ID 75 of the source Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority

Event Source:Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority
Event ID:75 (0x4B)
Event log:Application
Event type:Error
Event text (English):Active Directory Certificate Services could not publish a Delta CRL for key %1 to the following location on server %4: %2. %3.%5%6
Event text (German):Failed to publish delta certificate revocation list for key %1 at the following location on server "%4": %2. %3.%5%6
Continue reading „Details zum Ereignis mit ID 75 der Quelle Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority“

Details of the event with ID 65 of the source Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority

Event Source:Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority
Event ID:65 (0x41)
Event log:Application
Event type:Error
Event text (English):Active Directory Certificate Services could not publish a Base CRL for key %1 to the following location: %2. %3.%5%6
Event text (German):No base certificate revocation list could be published for the key %1 at the following location: %2. %3.%5%6
Continue reading „Details zum Ereignis mit ID 65 der Quelle Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority“

Details of the event with ID 66 of the source Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority

Event Source:Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority
Event ID:66 (0x42)
Event log:Application
Event type:Error
Event text (English):Active Directory Certificate Services could not publish a Delta CRL for key %1 to the following location: %2. %3.%5%6
Event text (German):Failed to publish delta certificate revocation list for key %1 at the following location: %2. %3.%5%6
Continue reading „Details zum Ereignis mit ID 66 der Quelle Microsoft-Windows-CertificationAuthority“

Basics: Checking the revocation status of certificates

If a valid, unexpired certificate is to be withdrawn from circulation, it must be revoked. For this purpose, the certification authorities maintain corresponding revocation lists in which the digital fingerprints of the revoked certificates are listed. They must be queried during the validity check.

Continue reading „Grundlagen: Überprüfung des Sperrstatus von Zertifikaten“

Use HTTP over Transport Layer Security (HTTPS) for the revocation list distribution points (CDP) and the online responder (OCSP).

With regard to the design of the infrastructure for providing revocation information - i.e. the CRL Distribution Points (CSP) as well as the Online Responders (Online Certificate Status Protocol, OCSP) - the question arises whether these should be "secured" via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Continue reading „Verwenden von HTTP über Transport Layer Security (HTTPS) für die Sperrlistenverteilungspunkte (CDP) und den Onlineresponder (OCSP)“

Token for CDP and AIA configuration of a certification authority

The following is an overview of the tokens for the CDP and AIA configuration of a certification authority.

Continue reading „Token für die CDP- und AIA- Konfiguration einer Zertifizierungsstelle“

Publish a certificate revocation list (CRL) to an Active Directory revocation list distribution point (CDP).

Sometimes it is necessary for a certificate issued by a certification authority to be withdrawn from circulation even before its expiration date. To make this possible, a certification authority keeps a revocation list. This is a signed file with a relatively short expiration date, which is used in combination with the certificate to check its validity.

In some cases (for example, with an offline certificate authority, or if non-standard LDAP revocation list distribution points have been configured), the certificate revocation list must be manually published to Active Directory.

Continue reading „Veröffentlichen einer Zertifikatsperrliste (CRL) auf einem Active Directory Sperrlistenverteilungspunkt (CDP)“

Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) basics

A public key infrastructure comprises all components (hardware, software, people and processes) required for the use of digital certificates. A PKI consists of one or more certification authorities (CA). The tasks of a PKI include:

  • Ensuring the authenticity of keys, i.e. establishing a traceable link between a key and its origin to prevent misuse.
  • Revocation of certificates, i.e., ensuring that decommissioned or compromised (e.g., stolen) keys can no longer be used.
  • Guarantee of liability (non-repudiation), i.e., the owner of a key cannot deny that it belongs to him.
  • Enforcement of policies, i.e. standardized procedures for the use of certificates.
Continue reading „Grundlagen Public Key Infrastrukturen (PKI)“

Use Microsoft Network Load Balancing (NLB) for revocation list distribution points (CDP), access to job information (AIA), and online responders (OCSP).

It is generally a good idea to ensure the availability of CRL Distribution Points (CDP), Authority Information Access (AIA), and if available, Online Responders (OCSP) at all times.

Access to the revocation information is even more critical than to the certificate authority itself. If the revocation status of a certificate cannot be checked, it is possible (depending on the application) that the certificate is not considered trustworthy and the associated IT service cannot be used.

Continue reading „Verwenden von Microsoft Network Load Balancing (NLB) für die Sperrlistenverteilungspunkte (CDP), den Zugriff auf Stelleninformationen (AIA) und Onlineresponder (OCSP)“

Transfer certificate revocation lists to revocation list distribution points using SSH Secure Copy (SCP) with public key authentication (Windows Server 2019).

If the servers providing the revocation list distribution points are located in a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), for example, or data transfer via Server Message Block (SMB) is not possible for other reasons, the blacklists can be transferred to the distribution points using SSH Secure Copy (SCP). As of Windows Server 2019, the OpenSSH server and client packages are available. The following describes the setup with authentication via public keys (Public Key Authentication) instead of passwords as an example

Continue reading „Übertragen der Zertifikatsperrlisten auf die Sperrlistenverteilpunkte mit SSH Secure Copy (SCP) mit Authentifizierung über öffentliche Schlüssel (Windows Server 2019)“