Restoration of a certification authority certificate with software key

The following describes how to restore a certificate authority certificate with software key.

Restoring the certification authority certificate may be necessary for the following reasons:

Continue reading „Wiederherstellung eines Zertifizierungsstellenzertifikats mit Software-Schlüssel“

Incremental backups of the certification authority database fail with the error message "The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup".

Assume the following scenario:

  • You use certutil.exe or the PowerShell commandlet Backup-CAService to back up your Active Directory Certificate Services database.
  • In addition to a full backup, you also perform regular incremental backups of the CA database.
  • The incremental backups fail with error message "The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup".
Incremental database backup for...
Backing up Log files: 0%CertUtil: -backupDB command FAILED: 0xc8000230 (ESE: -560 JET_errMissingFullBackup)
CertUtil: The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup
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