Queries against the certificate authority database fail with error message "0x80070005 (WIN32: 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)".

Assume the following scenario:

  • One runs a query against the certification authority database.
  • The query fails with the following error message:
CertUtil: -view command FAILED: 0x80070005 (WIN32: 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
Continue reading „Abfragen gegen die Zertifizierungsstellen-Datenbank schlagen fehl mit Fehlermeldung „0x80070005 (WIN32: 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)““

(Mass) deletion of entries in the certification authority database (certificates, requirements, revocation lists)

Sometimes it happens that the database of the certification authority becomes extremely large. Perhaps a large number of certificate requests have arrived unnoticed and have been rejected, or perhaps there are many certificates in the database that have been issued twice. Before the certification authority database compacts can be used, these entries must first be deleted in order to free up the storage space in the database.

Continue reading „(Massenhaftes) Löschen von Einträgen in der Zertifizierungsstellen-Datenbank (Zertifikate, Anforderungen, Sperrlisten)“

Compacting (defragmenting) the certification authority database

Sometimes it happens that the database of the certification authority becomes extremely large. Perhaps a large number of certificate requests have arrived unnoticed and have been rejected, or perhaps there are many certificates in the database that have been issued twice. After the corresponding entries have been deleted from the Certification Authority database, the space now gained must (can) still be freed by compacting this in the server's file system.

Continue reading „Kompaktieren (Defragmentieren) der Zertifizierungsstellen-Datenbank“

Viewing the certificate authority database revocation list table

By default, the certification authority stores all revocation lists that have not yet expired in the certification authority database.

Under certain circumstances, e.g. due to a misconfigured script, a large number of blacklists are stored in the database in this way, which can lead to a corresponding growth of the database (e.g. if large blacklists are recreated very often).

Continue reading „Einsicht in die Sperrlisten-Tabelle der Zertifizierungsstellen-Datenbank“

Role configuration for the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) fails with error message "Failed to enroll RA certificates. The RPC server is unavailable. 0x800706ba (Win32: 1722 RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE)".

Assume the following scenario:

  • One installs a Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) server
  • One has the necessary permissions to install the role (local administrator, enterprise administrator)
  • The role configuration fails with the following error message:
Failed to enroll RA certificates. The RPC server is unavailable. 0x800706ba (Win32: 1722 RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE)
Continue reading „Die Rollenkonfiguration für den Registrierungsdienst für Netzwerkgeräte (NDES) schlägt fehl mit Fehlermeldung „Failed to enroll RA certificates. The RPC Server is unavailable. 0x800706ba (Win32: 1722 RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE)““

Advanced queries against the certification authority database

The Certification Authority database stores much of the information about a Certification Authority's activities. Among other things, it contains information about:

  • Certificates issued
  • Revoked certificates
  • Published blacklists
  • Pending certificate requirements
  • Rejected certificate requests
  • Failed certificate requests

Viewing the contents of the certification authority database is usually done via the certification authority's management console (certsrv.msc), but the possibilities for evaluation and especially for machine processing are very limited.

Continue reading „Erweiterte Abfragen gegen die Zertifizierungsstellen-Datenbank“

Incremental backups of the certification authority database fail with the error message "The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup".

Assume the following scenario:

  • You use certutil.exe or the PowerShell commandlet Backup-CAService to back up your Active Directory Certificate Services database.
  • In addition to a full backup, you also perform regular incremental backups of the CA database.
  • The incremental backups fail with error message "The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup".
Incremental database backup for...
Backing up Log files: 0%CertUtil: -backupDB command FAILED: 0xc8000230 (ESE: -560 JET_errMissingFullBackup)
CertUtil: The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup
Continue reading „Inkrementelle Sicherungen der Zertifizierungsstellen-Datenbank schlagen fehl mit der Fehlermeldung „The database missed a previous full backup before incremental backup““